Monday, July 11, 2011

How should I get my mom to accept my sexuality?

She knows, I think. There have been so many situations where people have told her, and she has flipped out, told me to go to hell, and so many more things. She has brought up stuff a few times, and she screams at me asking if I want to chop my boobs off and grow a dick. She asks me mean and hurtful things just to get under my skin. I'm not going to lie, they hurt. I cry when she leaves the room. I don't know if she understands the severity of the situation. I am only 16, 12th grade after the summer, and I only live with her and her 12 cats. (All are her cats except 3) It really hurts. I have friends who I have come out to, and they treat me with respect and they love and care for me. She has said once that no one will accept it, but she wasn't referring to me. Should I just wait until I move out? Should I try to find a good relationship with a girl, to show her there is a possibility I can find someone decent, or should I just leave it alone. I just don't know how much more of the bashing I can handle. I have had thoughts of suicide a few times. She is so fake that when she apologizes I can see the hate in her eyes. She says she accepts everyone and she told the only family member that I have come out to that she is sending me to counseling to find me help.

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