Saturday, July 16, 2011

Does the landlord have to pay for me to live somewhere if the building is condemned?

I'm in the same exact situation regarding mold. I am moving out in 2 weeks because of that and other serious problems. If you have renters insurance then I would check with your policy holder to see if they can help you relocate and find a new place. Also, you can sue this landlord in small claims court because of exposure to black mold which is a serious health threat. I would contact your local small claims court, city health department, landlord/tenant association and possibly a good attorney who handles real estate. This is not your fault by any means. It's the duty of the city health board to oversee rental properties. I have now lived in 2 places that have caused me skin problems and allergy problems. The first property was condemned and we had to move out. The second one my husband and I are leaving on our own. I hope that everything will work out for you. If you have to move your belongings temporarily in a storage unit and see if you can live with a friend or relative. I'm so sorry and wish you the best.

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