Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to convince my mom to let me play Pokemon?

OK I'm 14 and my mom won't let me play Pokemon because she thinks that it is supportive of eastern religions. She thinks that if I play it I will become a person who believes in Hinduism or something. My family is Christian, so that may be why she's so worried about it, but I still think it's ridiculous. Also last time I talked to her about it, it seemed like she was stupidly stubborn, and didn't want me to play it because she thought that Pokemon were ugly, and she thought it was weird. Also she doesn't want me playing it because she thinks that I will get made fun of in High School. I tried to tell her that some High Schoolers play Pokemon too, but she works at a High School, so she thinks that she knows everything about kids. So she told me that they don't and if they do they get made fun of, so I shouldn't do it. (Same mom who has told me before to not pay attention to kids when they make fun of me for anything, and that high school kids don't make fun of kids for no reason.) So yeah any suggestions on how to get her to let me play would be much appreciated. Also she doesn't know but one of my friends, who is fourteen btw has given me Platinum and Sapphire, and twice when I went into Gamestop to get other games, I have also sneaked buying Soul Silver and Leaf Green. So I would like to be allowed to play so that I don't have to be worried about being caught playing, and hopefully to get Black or White for Christmas or Birthday.

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