Friday, July 15, 2011

Need legal advice for a guy that is struggling with child custody and shes not even born yet!?

Here is the situation: So guy and girl living together for more than a year. The girlfriend finds out from doctor she will not be able to get pregnant. So the couple start having unprotected sex. Girl gets some sorta procedure done from doctor. Girl gets pregnant! One month later she leaves the province and moves half way across the country. Breaks up wit boyfriend once shes there begins dating a new man and is now cutting original guy (baby's dad) him out of the child's life when born for good. First boyfriend has a history of being in an accident that has left him with not being able to use his hands properly and has a hard time working and was expected to receive a settlement $$$ $$$ $$$ from his accident for his future. Is there anything he can do and has she done anything that would e considered illegal? please if any one has some experience or an answer for me please let me know

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