Thursday, July 14, 2011

Am I right to be angry with my parents?

Parents can be vicious and think that they are right in everything.They are not,and you should not feel guilty.If it helps,my stepfather was evil and my mother did nothing to stop him.I got married at a early age,just to get away from them.It did not work out.I got divorced and my parents called me everything under the sun.I met a girl and have been married now for 38 yrs.Both my so called parents died and I did not even go to the funerals.Do I regret it.NO.Do I feel guilty.NO.Why,because they would have wrecked my present marriage as well.Write to your father if you really want to and tell him to visit you if he wants to.That will put the boot on the other foot and you will get rid of that guilt feeling.After all,what have you got to be sorry or guilty about? Best wishes

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