Monday, July 11, 2011

Am I right to be angry with my parents?

I know what you going through because I see it in my family, probably not the same exact thing but similar. I think every family go through so many arguments and so many heart aches that you know what, your family wouldn't be normal if it didn't go through all of that. People may say it is not healthy but sometimes going through what your going through makes the family grow closer as time goes by. Your parents are your parents no matter what and in due time they will grow old or get sick and die, not being sad but its life and you need to do your part, even if they do not do their part, and get your daughter to be involved in her grandparents life too as much as you can because as she gets older, and time passes by she can understand how much you tried. You didn't give up. I say stick your chin up and go round there and cherish every minute with your dad even if he doesn't with you. You only have once chance in life. Do the right thing because you can't turn back time.

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